Standard Backing Propath

Your Path to Live
MTT Success

We’re excited to introduce ProPath, a new approach to live MTT backing. Imagine the best parts of markup and makeup coming together to make your poker journey awesome. Get ready for big chances in tournaments, amazing coaching, lots of support, and no hassle. Here’s what makes ProPath different and how it works.

The Next Step In Your Professional Poker Journey

Apply now

It all starts with one click. Start the process right now with our fast and easy online application by clicking the button below.

We review your profile

Our team reviews your application and stats. If approved, we’ll have you fill out an additional questionnaire and request your hand histories to determine if you are ready.

Receive an offer

After our team evaluates your candidacy, if you have been selected. Our team will send you an offer to join Standard Backing.

You are in

Once we approve your application and hands, you will be welcomed to the team and equipped to step up your game.


Bonus-based Profits

At the heart of ProPath lies the innovative bonus structure. Under ProPath, you will receive a portion of profit, after coaching, upon the completion of 100 entries or a “bonus cycle”.

The bonus cycles eliminates the adversarial nature of markup and lets us truly support your journey and invest in your success.


We go beyond financial backing; it’s about YOU and YOUR GAME – for every dollar of action we purchase and that you play, you’ll receive CNCPoker credits.

CNC has some of today’s best players and coaches from live and online doing group sessions – along with affordable 1on1 sessions with coaches focused on identifying the areas YOU need to work on most.

Achieve Your Ambitions

Apply to access top-notch coaching, easy funding, and all the support required to thrive and excel in live poker tournaments.


Bonus Cycle

To earn your bonus, all you have to do is sell to us and play 100 entries over the next 18 months. This period of time offers an ideal time frame to complete the cycle while keeping any losses under control. Big wins can easily offset any setbacks, so don’t worry about makeup problems.


For a tournament to be counted as one of your 100 entries, at least 25% of your share must be offered to Standard Backing (we may choose to accept less).


 You are not obliged to sell any tournament.

You can leave the program whenever you want and you will receive a bonus corresponding to your progress. If you played 60% of your entries, you will receive 60% of your bonus.

You have the option to offer us up to 100% of a tournament

If you have not made a profit after 100 entries, you can decide to postpone the bonus withdrawal and continue in the same bonus cycle. This way the 1st entry will be replaced by the 101st (and so on) until you reach profits or start a new cycle.

ProPath in numbers

Example of a $1,000 tournament with a 25% bonus deal and 3% coaching (CNC Credits)

You only want to spend $250 on the tournament, in this situation you would sell us 75% of the tournament and receive 43.75% of the equity:

25% (ProPath bonus) x 75% (tournament share sold to us) = 18.75% (your equity)


25% (your percentage of the tournament for the $250 you invested).

= 43.75% (your total participation) + $22.50 in coaching

From 2008, Backing Top
worldwide poker talent

We’ve backed 1,000+ players across 50+ countries on 6 continents, investing in $100M+ in their success