Beckan116 absolutely crushed the Mini Sunday million final table!!
Beckan116 had a dream Sunday, after almost 13 hours and an intense endgame he managed to finish 1st place among 16,212 entries of the $22 Mini Sunday Million on Pokerstars, taking the grandiose sum of $28,688.45 and his biggest online score.
Henrique “Beckan116” Cruz has worked with Standard Backing for more than 18 months, we did a short interview with him regarding his experiences working with us so far:

Name: Henrique Cruz
Nick: Beckan116
Age: 31
Place of Residence: Santos – Sao Paulo
Step to professionalization in Poker
When did you decide to make poker your profession? What factored into your decision?
R: Beginning in 2013 it became a hobby right after a motorcycle accident I suffered, starting at MTTSNG, so I started to understand the proportions of this world of poker, so I decided to look for something more. In 2014 I joined a poker team for MTTs, the now extinct Forra team. Since then I’m always looking to evolve and meeting several good people and partners in the environment that provides us with great learning material.
What game type (CG/ MTT’s/SNGs) did you start playing?
Why did you choose to focus on this game type? What didn’t you like about the other game types?
R: About the modality, the decision was because it was more popular and with a lot of educational content making it easier to access and evolve my skills.
What are the qualities that you think allow you to succeed?
R: Insistence and determination that it is possible and I am also very competitive, and poker gave me that back.
Arrival to Standard Backing
What stood out about Standard Backing?
R: Familiarity with some of the coaches and the excellent deal.
Pros and Cons of Standard Backing
What do you think is the difference between Standard Backing and other Staking teams?
R: So much commitment in everything involved.
What do you think are the advantages of working with Standard Backing?
R: Very good coaching in Portuguese.
Standard Backing has players/coaches of different languages and nationalities. What do you think about it?
R: This was an essential factor for me to join the team, I have other languages it helps a lot, giving opportunities for various nationalities.
Achievements since belong to Standard Backing
Tell us about your achievements since you joined the team
R: Consistency in the game was a very good factor even though there were some difficulties to maintain it.
What influence has Standard Backing had on your poker career?
R: Very positive, accessibility in studies and encouragement both in playing online and live always motivating and helping you in your daily life.

Interview close
What are your goals for the remainder of the year?
R: To commit to MTTs, as I was well focused in 2019 and complementing my grid with SNGs, this year I will dedicate myself more to this style because the demand for software is very good for the players.
Would you advise someone to work with a staking team?
R: Yes, for the seriousness and commitment to care for the player.
If you could give one advice to yourself years ago when started to play poker, what would it be?
R: Maintain strong consistency and adapt and grind through the difficult stages.
Could you give some special insight to current and aspiring players?
R: Maintain perseverance, only then can we break the variance we find at the tables even in difficult times.
Thanks Henrique for sharing with us, keep it up!
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